Say a final farewell to the new batch of JETs! Share appetizers and stories right before they fly off to start their new lives in Japan. It’s always fun to experience the excitement of the new recruits, so drop on by!
Great Lakes JETAA is headed to the Toledo Zoo! This event is open to everyone and is family-friendly to boot. The cost of admission is each individual’s responsibility. Let us know if you’re planning on coming so that we can exchange contact information!
After we leave the zoo, please join us for a Member Meeting (and dinner if you’re peckish. We will be voting on the motion to amend the bylaws at this meeting.
Hello everyone! Join us for a Spring Picnic at Belle Isle this Sunday afternoon! Please bring any snacks or drinks you’d like, but no alcoholic drinks as Belle Isle don’t allow it. See you there!
Date: Sunday, May 26 Time: 3-6pm Location: Meet at the James Scott Memorial Fountain Bring your own food and drinks!
Whether you’re going to the job fair or not, please join us after for yummy, yummy ramen! Give us some ideas and feedback for our JETAA chapter, and trade JET stories with people who understand you.
We’d like as many members out as possible to plan next year’s events. Hope you can make it!
Update: Due to scheduling issues and sickness, this meeting is cancelled and will be re-schedule to a later time. Thank you for your understanding! Merry Christmas and happy holidays 🙂
Are you interested in finding out what we’ve been working on? Please attend our Board Meeting on December 20th on Google Hangouts!
Date: December 20, 2018 Time: 7:30-9pm Location: Google Hangouts!
Please join us on January 26th, 2019 for the Great Lakes JETAA Job Fair! If you are interested in working with Japan or are knowledgeable about the Japanese language or culture, please come and meet employers that are looking for candidates with a global perspective. You will have the opportunity to meet with companies, submit their resumes, and network.
Was your 2018 full of achievements and glories? Or was it full of pitfalls and failures? No matter, come celebrate all that happened in 2018 with Great Lakes JETAA at Tomo Sushi and Karaoke on December 9th at 3pm! Let’s close the cover on a year full of ups and downs and lefts and rights!
This will be an early dinner plus evening time karaoke :3. Looking forward to seeing you!
Date: December 9th @ 3pm Location: Tomo Sushi & Karaoke (Google Maps) 2959 E Big Beaver Rd, Troy, MI 48083