Category: Alumni Spotlight

February 2025: Anthony Madry

We are re-starting our Alumni Spotlight series!

For February 2025, we welcome Anthony Madry as our newest inductee into our Alumni Spotlight series. Please read on for Jeffrey’s experience working in Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture, playing the okoto in Hikone Castle, and what he is proud to have accomplished during his time as a GLJETAA officer.
Are you from the Great Lakes area? What is your experience in the Great Lakes Area?

I’m from Detroit, Michigan and I have lived there all of my life except for the time spent living in Japan. 

What is your favorite Japanese snack?

My go to for many years in Japan was Black Thunder!

What is the biggest difference you see between Japanese and American culture? What do you believe these two cultures could learn from each other?

The biggest difference I see is the mindset concerning obligation. In America, obligation is almost always seen as negative and avoided. Whereas in Japan obligation to one’s family and community is seen as a virtue. I think America could learn to have more of a sense of obligation to our communities. If we did, I’m sure our cities would be cleaner and safer. On the other hand, I know the mental strain that obligation can put on people in Japan, especially those who truly care and take responsibility. Therefore, I think Japan could learn how to make one’s own mental health a priority from a culture more slanted towards individualism like the US’s.

How did you become interested in applying for the JET program?

I was a Japanese major in university and even after getting my degree I knew I would have to live in Japan to truly improve my Japanese. 

Were you an ALT, a CIR, or an SEA on the JET Program? How long were you on the program, and where was your placement?

I was an ALT for 3 years in Akita prefecture.

Would you please tell us more about your placement? For ALTs, what were your schools like? For CIRs and SEAs, what sort of work were you involved in?

Akita is a very rural prefecture of Japan. I feel very blessed that it was my placement because I feel like I got to experience a more traditional side of Japan that many people who only live in major cities may not experience. I feel like I had good schools. The staff was very friendly and the students were in general good and interested in English. Of course, it wasn’t a perfect experience but overall, I had more things to be grateful for. 

What is a memory you have from your time on JET that sticks out to you?

I have so many memories from my time on JET. Most of them good, some not so good and some that I want to forget. The memory that sticks out the most to me is when some elementary school students who lived down the street from my apartment saw me coming home one day and asked me to play with them outside. We played and talked and the four of us (they were two brothers and a sister) ended up forging a great bond and we spent time together often. Especially during COVID we would hangout a lot. We’d go hiking, go to the park, go to the beach. We just spent a lot of time together. We are all very close to this day. Their mom invites me to stay with them whenever I am in Akita. 

What has your career path been since leaving the JET Program? How has JET influenced your journey?

Immediately after leaving JET I did sales for a Japanese manufacturing company based in Tokyo for about 3 years. After that I decided to move back home and start a landscaping and property maintenance business with my father (we even chose a Japanese name! I did that for a year which was a good experience and now I just recently accepted a full-time position to teach at FLICS in Detroit. JET was the introduction to teaching and while I really enjoyed it, I wasn’t sure I wanted to continue in it. But after trying a handful of other careers and thinking about my personality and values, I think teaching really suits me which is why I decided to return.

Do you have any advice or other support that you can give to current / future JET applicants? How about your fellow alumni?

My best advice to future, current and former JETs alike is to have a positive attitude and growth mindset. No career or lifestyle is perfect and without its challenges and setbacks but having the right attitude will propel to success no matter what you do. 

Where can we reach you for networking?

Feel free to reach me via email at .

Please do reach out if you have any questions for our alumni. Thank you, Jeffrey Glenn, for sharing your own story.

Alumni Spotlight is an outreach activity through the Great Lakes JET Alumni Association seeking to build stronger connections between alumni and to provide bridges for networking. If you or an alumnus you know would like to be featured in an installment of Alumni Spotlight, please email Lily at .

July 2022: Jeffrey Glenn

For July 2022, we welcome Jeffrey Glenn to our roster of wonderful people highlighted for our Alumni Spotlight series. Please read on for Jeffrey’s experience working in Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture, playing the okoto in Hikone Castle, and what he is proud to have accomplished during his time as a GLJETAA officer.

Where are you from in Michigan or Ohio?

I’m from Detroit, Michigan and I have lived there all of my life except for the time spent living in Japan. 

Where was your placement, and how long were you there?

I was placed in Hikone City, Shiga from 1996-1999. I initially signed for one year and enjoyed it so much that I signed for a second and third year. I really wanted to stay longer, but at the time JETs were only allowed to do 3 years. 

What was your school setting like?

I was placed in two junior high schools. One was in Hikone City, Higashi junior high school and the other school was a few stops away in Inae City, Inae junior high school. I mostly taught the 1st year students at both schools, but occasionally taught the 2nd and 3rd year students. I was three days at Higashi and one and half days at Inae. The afternoon of every Friday, I spent at the board of education office in Hikone with the other two JETs. 

What is a memory you have from your time on JET that sticks out to you?

I have so many memories that stick out for me when I was in Shiga. The one I will mention here is when I played a traditional musical instrument, okoto, at Hikone Castle garden. I had asked the Japanese teachers at my schools if they knew of a music teacher who would teach me how to play the okoto. I heard this instrument many times at Japanese events or in anime and I wanted to learn it. The teacher met with me and a few other JETs every week. When we had learned a few songs she asked us to play with her other students in the garden at Hikone Castle. In the below photo, you can see us playing in the tea rooms. We dressed in formal kimonos and played the songs. 

I clearly remember during one song a young child came to the tea house with her family. While I played she said, “gaijin da”, which made me chuckle while I was playing. I was not offended because she was right that two non-Japanese were playing the okoto. It is traditionally played by women, but it is not normal to see a male, foreigner play it. 

What are you doing now, and has the JET Program helped you get there?

Now I work as an elementary teacher at an international school in Tokyo. I live in Yokohama and it’s my 3rd trip to live and work in Japan. I have a teacher’s license from the State of Michigan for elementary and middle school levels. The JET program helped me by giving me the chance to live and work in a country that I have admired since I was a kid. It gave me the chance to see if I would like to be a teacher instructing students. 

Do you have any advice or other support that you can offer to your fellow alumni?

My advice is to follow your dreams even if others question why you want to do it. My family was surprised when I told them I wanted to go and live in Japan for a year. They didn’t understand why I wanted to do this, but I knew it was the right move for me to go. 

How has serving as a GLJETAA officer helped you? (personally or professionally)

I had the chance to be the vice president of the GLJETAA group for two years and the position allowed me to support the president in running the group. It also allowed me to help plan and organize events that would allow JETs to meet and enjoy each other’s company.

What, if anything, are you proud to have accomplished during your time as a GLJETAA officer?

I enjoyed sharing my experiences with the new people selected to go on JET when we did the Q&A information meetings. I also enjoyed interviewing new people at the consulate when I helped them in the selection process. 

What is something in Japan that you’d like to see more of in the U.S.?

I would like to see people in the US who don’t know Japanese culture understand the wonderful qualities that the Japanese people exhibit when non-Japanese come to visit or live in Japan. I met many Japanese people who have become lifelong friends and acquaintances when I lived there. 

Where can we reach you for networking?

I am still a member of the Facebook group for GLJETAA and can be reached through the Messenger app.

Please do reach out if you have any questions for our alumni. Thank you, Jeffrey Glenn, for sharing your own story.

Alumni Spotlight is an outreach activity through the Great Lakes JET Alumni Association seeking to build stronger connections between alumni and to provide bridges for networking. If you or an alumnus you know would like to be featured in an installment of Alumni Spotlight, please email Kyle Belanger at .

June 2022: Bill Schlatter

Iwamizawa Snow: No snow blowers were involved in clearing this driveway, just weeks and weeks of shoveling. 

Today we feature Bill Schlatter, GIS analyst and former Treasurer of Great Lakes JETAA. He was a high school ALT in Hokkaido for 2 years. As someone who works in infrastructure, can you guess what he misses most from Japan? (Hint: it’s not the excessive snow shoveling.)


April 2022: James Wilson

Our guest today is James Wilson, who works at a Japanese trading company. Read on to hear about his time on Sado Island, future plans, and advice for JET Alumni.

Where are you from in Michigan or Ohio?

My hometown is in Indiana but I’ve permanently relocated to Royal Oak, MI for work.

Where was your placement, and how long were you there?

Through JET, I was placed on an island just off the coast of Niigata Prefecture called Sado Island for 3 years from 2014-2017.

What was your school setting like?

On Sado Island, I was responsible for the northern district of Aikawa. Within Aikawa, there were 7 schools that I commuted to on a regular basis including 1 kindergarten, 4 elementary schools, & 2 junior high schools where I taught English classes to all grades. The area was very remote even compared to other districts on the island and the majority of my students were focused either on nature-related or fitness activities.

What is a memory you have in Japan that sticks out to you?

My brightest memory is actually working with the kindergarten children. At the request of parents in my district, I opened an Eikawa (English club) for the kindergarten children that met once a week. While there weren’t large amounts of academic progress, interacting with the children, playing games, and getting to know the families more intimately was a very special experience.

What are you doing now, and has the JET Program helped you get there?

Currently, I work for a trading company called Toyota Tsusho America, Inc., which is a subsidiary of the Toyota Motor Company, as a sales member of their Chemical & Electronic Materials department. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that I would not have arrived at where I am without the JET Program, neither linguistically, culturally, or geographically.

What are your aspirations for the future?

When I returned from Japan in 2017, I was a little lost as to where my path was leading me. However, after experiencing a few years of the American workforce, I’ve gained a better understanding of where I’m inspired and I’m now aiming to continue my education (TBD whether it will be an MBA or focused in a specific technical field). Other than that, I’ve also recently been reinvigorated by the idea of finishing my first triathlon, my dream which was crushed when I was injured weeks before the event on Sado Island. #kneesdon’tfailmethistime

Do you have any advice or recommendations for your fellow alumni?

We all get very busy with work and our personal lives. Consequently, it can be easy to fall out of sync with Japan and your love for the people, language, and country when coming back to the USA, especially if your job doesn’t involve anything related to Japan. Many people here in the USA don’t want to hear your stories or listen to any of the vast knowledge about sake you acquired during JET. However, I strongly recommend that you find a community in which you can still revel in all of that. Not to plug anyone or anything but, *wink wink, nudge nudge* JETAA is a great haven and community for that.

What is something in Japan that you’d like to see more of where you live now?

Of course, more variety and better Japanese food and more Japanese communities would be nice, and also an improved recycling system similar to Japan’s would also be very appreciated. However, just recently I was having a conversation with a friend about how much we miss bidet toilets being in public areas and that would be AMAZING! We definitely need to increase the number of bidets in Michigan.

What does Japan mean to you?

This is a rather difficult question. Japan to me is like a second home. The part of me that acclimated to Japan and appreciates the daily traits of Japanese culture (the order, the modesty, the regiments, the bowing, etc.) is constantly homesick and I’m certain I will never shake it.

Where can we reach you for networking?

If there are people that would like to connect with me, please feel free to reach out via LinkedIn. I’m always happy to chat, so feel free to message me as well. My profile can be found through the following link.

Please do reach out if you have any questions for our alumni. Thank you, James Wilson, for sharing your story.

Alumni Spotlight is an outreach activity through the Great Lakes JET Alumni Association seeking to build stronger connections between alumni and to provide bridges for networking. If you or an alumnus you know would like to be featured in an installment of Alumni Spotlight, please email Kyle Belanger at .

February 2022: Robert Corder

Kurume Beach Trip 2006

Our guest today is Robert Corder, who works in economic development and is on the Board of Directors for GLJETAA. He was a JET in Fukuoka. Read on to hear about 7 places he’s lived, his career, and advice for life after JET.

Where are you from in Michigan or Ohio?

Currently living in Battle Creek, Michigan. Born in Virginia, just outside Washington, DC. Moved to Springfield, Ohio when I was 5. Family moved to Portage, Michigan (just next to Kalamazoo) when I was 10. Went to college in Washington, DC, which included a study abroad in Shiga through Lansing Community College. Was in DC for about 10 years before JET. After JET, moved to Chicago and was there for almost 10 years. Moved to Battle Creek in 2017 for my current job.

Where was your placement, and how long were you there?

Kurume Senior High School, Kurume-shi, Fukuoka-ken; 2003-2006.

What was your school setting like?

It was a high-level academic school with two ALTs. It was the #2 school in town. It had an intensive English course which students took a special placement test to get into. The Eigo-ka students took extra English classes, including debate. So the ALTs did a lot of teaching beyond the typical Oral Communication-1 class for first year students.

What is a memory you have in Japan that sticks out to you?

Being a part of the community and getting to know the people in town. Going to local festivals and getting to experience life in a Kurume not as a tourist. I loved going to the neighborhood onsen, which was like a 5-minute bike ride from my house. I became a regular there and a few other spots around town, like El Sol, a Mexican restaurant that opened up. Those were the places where I met people and became friends.

Grape Cup Speech Contest 2005

What are you doing now?

I do economic development. After JET, I moved to Chicago to work for JETRO, the Japanese government’s trade promotion agency. I worked with American companies who were trying to expand into the Japanese market. I got the job because of my degree in international relations and experience in Japan. After doing that for almost 10 years, I got a job as the Vice President at Battle Creek Unlimited. Battle Creek has a small cluster of Japanese manufacturing companies. I am responsible for bringing from companies to the city. My experience on JET has been an invaluable asset.

How has serving as a GLJETAA officer helped you?

When I was in Chicago, I did a lot with the JET alumni chapter there. There were a lot of people just like me who were transplants, starting the next chapter in their lives after JET. That was my social network, my support group. Those people are my family.

What, if anything, are you proud to have accomplished during your time as a GLJETAA officer?

When I moved to Battle Creek, I wanted to do some stuff to connect JET alumni on this side of the state. I have helped with recruiting, interviews, and predeparture orientations. We’ve done a few dinners over here and I want to do more but COVID-19 has made that difficult. I am looking forward to working on that again as things return to normal.

Do you have any advice, or other support that you can offer to your fellow alumni?

Two thoughts (both career related): One, build your hard skills. I see too many JET alumni without a solid skill set. Living in Japan is great but unless you want to teach ESL, the experience of being a JET isn’t gonna get you a job. It may help some but employers need people with hard skills. There is loads of training you can take online now, like Lynda, Skillshare, Udemy, Coursera. Be proactive. Take a training class. If your Japanese is good, take the JLPT. Get certified in project management. Anything is better than nothing.

Two, network with other alums. Seek out mentors. LinkedIn is great for that. You can hit up people who have interesting jobs. Ask people to coffee or for 30 minutes online. You can research questions to ask a mentor. Ask about their job, their career path, what training they got, what advice they would give to someone just starting out. Most JET alums will be happy to share their time.

If you could bring one thing from Japan to where you live now, what would it be?

The food. I need some good Japanese food in Battle Creek. I usually can get some good stuff in Chicago but I really miss the food. Also karaoke and onsen. If Battle Creek had a good izakaya, with a karaoke spot next to that, and a onsen next door, I would be a happy boy.

Where can we reach you for networking?

Email is the best way to catch me: . Linkedin works well too.

Please do reach out if you have any questions for our alumni. Thank you, Rob Corder, for sharing your own story.

Alumni Spotlight is an outreach activity through the Great Lakes JET Alumni Association seeking to build stronger connections between alumni and to provide bridges for networking. If you or an alumnus you know would like to be featured in an installment of Alumni Spotlight, please email Kyle Belanger at .

January 2022: Kyle Belanger

Kyle, on the right, cheers on a women’s’ marathon with former GLJETAA secretary Drew Esterline.

Our guest today is the one usually doing the interviewing – our current Great Lakes JETAA Vice President of Michigan, Kyle Belanger! He taught on JET in Kalamazoo’s sister city of Numazu. You’ll have to read the article to find out how he got a job offer before he left Japan.


December 2021: Adam Wolf

Our guest today is a former Great Lakes JETAA President. Adam has a Master’s of Business Administration, has experience working for the Japanese consulate, and is now working in higher education. Read on to find out more about how Adam’s JET experience influenced his career!


November 2021: Kily Buta

Our guest today has a Master’s of Public Health and recently returned from her time on JET, where she taught in a super science high school. Read on to hear her memories of festivals and the capstone project she completed in Japan.


October 2021: Megan Doi

One of Megan’s hobbies in Japan was collecting Goshuin, which are unique stamps you can get from Temples and Shrines around Japan.

Our guest today has a Master’s in International Education Management and is currently working at the Consulate General of Japan in Detroit. She is originally from California and was placed in Yamanashi as a high school ALT while on JET. Read on to learn about her family heritage trip, the hobbies she took up in Japan, and career advice.


September 2021: Michael McVey, Ed.D.

Michael McVey with a book featuring his work with Korean scholars.

Our guest today has a Doctorate in Education, works at Eastern Michigan University, and was a JET in Saga-ken during the 90’s. Learn how JET has influenced the course of his career, from published work with international scholars, to book reviews, to work in global strategy development.
